How to access the course:

I don't have an Account
I already have an Account
  1. Create an Account on our Learning Management System: Click HERE
  2. Verify your account by clicking on the confirmation link you have received in your email inbox. (You will be automatically redirected to the payment instruction page)
  3. Complete the payment by following the payment instructions
  4. You will Receive automatic access to the course. Enjoy!
Am I Eligible for This Discounted Price?

You are eligible for this discount only if you reside in a qualifying nation.

Click HERE to check your eligibility.

If you do not reside in a qualifying nation, please purchase the $125 USD version on the website.

When you apply for the ABAT Exam after completing this course, you will be required to submit proof of residency in a qualifying nation to be granted the discount. At that time, TBU will cover $60 USD in application fees for you.

If you cannot provide QABA with proof of residency in a developing nation for this discount, then you will still be responsible for the remainder of the full $125 USD application fee in order to take the ABAT exam.

Having Technical Issues?

Contact Us and request to purchase the course manually.