3 Tips for Passing the ABAT Exam
In order to be to become an Applied Behavior Analysis Technician (ABAT)
a candidate must pass a 125 question test known as the ABAT exam. 100
of the questions are live and scored, while 25 of the questions will not be
scored. These questions are not marked, but one should try and answer all 125 questions the best they can.
What is the ABAT exam?
The ABAT exam is designed for an entry level behavioral interventionist
who generally functions as a one-on-one instructor. The exam
assesses eligibility standards. Passage of the exam determines if the
candidate demonstrates basic competence to be an entry-level
paraprofessional so they can protect the safety and welfare of the public at
Top 3 ABAT Exam Tips
1. Allow Yourself Time to Prepare
No matter how much experience you have “in the field,” give yourself time
to study the course material. If you can partner up with a former or current
exam taker, that could prove to be very valuable. Perhaps you have a
supervisor that can assist you in your studies. While many of the test
answers can probably be chalked up to good ole common sense (a point
we will touch on later), it’s a good idea to prepare yourself as thoroughly as
possible because “the field” and a test taking environment are two totally
different situations.
2. Actively Merge Your Field and Exam Preparation Experience
As you study, think of ways you can employ or have employed what you
are learning about. When you are in the field, take the knowledge you have
gleaned and try and understand how that applies to what you are currently
doing. By mixing the theoretical with the practical, that will take a lot of the
guesswork out of the answers you seek to answer on the ABAT exam.
3. Use Common Sense
But more importantly, believe in yourself and don’t doubt your answers.
However, whether you’re someone that has found success sticking with
their first answer, or if you’ve done better when you change them, the same
dictum applies… use common sense. So many times when we are in the
field, it is that common sense that helps work with such a wide disparity of
clients. Using that same common sense on the ABAT Exam will serve you
while taking the test as well.